香港理工大学湖北分校2022年录取分数线为: 本科生: 文科类:最低综合分数线为530分,最低语文分数线为420分。 理科类:最低综合分数线为580分,最低语文分数线为420分。 研究生: 最低综合分数线为600分,最低语文分数线为420分。 此外,香港理工大学湖北分校还设有英语及其他外语类的最低成绩要求,以及艺术类、体育类、技能类的最低成绩要求。请查阅湖北分校招生简章或联系招生办公室,以获得更多有关招生要求的信息。请问各位大神,香港理工大学的酒店管理硕士有哪些申请条件?学制是几年?学费是多少?毕业后就业前景如何
酒店管理专业是香港理工大学的特色专业来的,关于入学条件,我查了一下,供你参考: Entrance Requirements A Bachelor's degree in the areas of hotel and tourism management, recreation and leisure management, business studies, management, accounting and finance, or other business and management related areas with industry work experience of not less than one year; OR A Bachelor's degree in areas other than those listed above, with current or past employment in the hotel and tourism industry for not less than one year; OR Equivalent professional qualifications may also be considered. If the applicant is not a native speaker of English, and the Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification is awarded by an institution where the medium of instruction is not English, a minimum score of 80 (Internet-based) or 550 (paper-based) or 213 (computer-based) in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL); or an overall Band Score of at least 6 in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS); or a Chinese mainland's College English Test (CET) Band 6 is required. Individual cases will be considered on their own merit by the School. Applicants may be required to attend interviews or tests to further demonstrate their language proficiency. 学制是一到三年不等,看你需要什么样的学位: Duration & Credit Requirement Stream Code MHF for MSc (Full-time) PHF for PgD (Full-time) MHP for MSc (Part-time) PHP for PgD (Part-time) Mode of Study Mixed-mode Normal Duration 1.5 years for MSc (Full-time) 1 year for PgD (Full-time) 3 years for MSc (Part-time) 2 years for PgD (Part-time) 学费是按照学分的数量来计算的,5000港币一学分,硕士课程需要31学分,PGD需要19学分TeChangSheng.Com特长生网高考艺考特长生招生院校网上报名入口,报考时间,分数线,艺术特长生,体育,舞蹈,音乐,美术,书法,器乐等招生简章,填报志愿等信息.