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只要勤奋练习,任何英语困难都能解决!高三这个备考时间是比较紧急的,建议可以找个一对一培训班加强练习,阿卡索外教网是很不错的,佟大为代言有保障,外教100%持证上岗,提供纯正的英语环境。 原价388元外教课程大礼包现限时免费送(包括1节外教课程+52节公开课+28件精美教材):【 价值388元免费外教试听课 】试完课还可以免费测试英语水平哦。 阿卡索聘请的都是带证的专业外教,100%具有TESOL证书,说得是地地道道、原汁原味的英语口语,能够给大家营造一个沉浸式的英语环境,而且将课程价格严格控制在了20元左右,性价比高,非常适合大家学英语,帮助各位高考学子高分突破英语考试! 不知道如何选择英语机构,可以百度咨询“阿卡索vivi老师”; 如果想下载免费英语资源,可以百度搜索“阿卡索官网论坛”。


充分利用真题,反复训练听力,积累好词好句。 考英语四级可以通过以下方式进行准备: 1、历年来的四级真题是比较好的练习材料,通过做真题,可以了解考试的题型变化、出题风格题目的难易程度。 2、听力在四级考试中占很大的比例,因此这部分不能忽略。 3、积累好词好句,实际上对英语学习中的听力、口语、阅读和写作很有帮助。 英语四级考试的“及格线”是425分,英语四级成绩达到425分以上可以报考英语六级。


一、要写好高考英语作文,总的来说应该注意以下几点: 1.平时注意积累知识 2.养成背诵习惯 3.注意连词的使用及用法 4.学习理解并熟练掌握基本的语法知识 5.平时练笔时运用正确的练笔技巧,即把握以下原则: 1)根据题目和提纲来确定文章的框架,根据框架来确定文章的段落结构,再根据段落结构来确定文章所用的句型。 2)对句子要有强烈的包装意识,练习时要以一些精彩的范文为参照物,分别经行精读、背诵、默写、互译和模仿训练。 3)使用正确的连词,将一个个句子组合起来,成为一个段落,一篇文章。 4)写提纲时,考虑时态,并写好开头句和结尾句。 二、怎样布局一篇高考英语作文 1.好段落的构成 通常,一个段落的好坏取决于这个段落的三要素,即主题句(topic sentence)、发展句(supporting details)、结论句(conclusion) 主题句(topic sentence) 主题句是概括段落主要内容的关键句,它不仅起到确定段落主题的作用,而且限定该段的主要内容。好的主题句应力求概括性强,表达清楚,精炼,读者可以通过主题句预测作者在该段要讨论什么问题。例如: Going to college requires much more self-reliance than going to high school. Spring is the most pleasant season of the year. 主题句一般位于段首,有时也可以放在段中或段末。例如: Early rising helps us in our studies,we learn more quickly in the moring,and find it easier to memorize what we learn in the moring. 主题句在段首可以使读者对本段要说的内容有个大致的了解。 “No pains,no gains”is certainly true of business.It is true,too,of character building.A fine,noble character is,as a rule not born,but the result of effort and struggle.One has to take pains to form good habits,to break off bad habits,to resist temptation,to grow virtuous. 主题句在段中可以起到承上启下,使上下文平衡的作用。 People used to say,“The hard that rocks the cradle rules the world”and “Behind every successful man there is a woman.”Both these saying mean the same thing,men rule the world,but their wives rule them . 主题句在段尾可以使作者进一步表明这一段的大意,对所举的例子或说明做归纳。起到画龙点睛的作用。 发展句(supporting details) 发展句通常围绕主题句,通过给一些实例,写出对主题句做进一步解释、说明的句子。发展句要求内容丰富、重点突出。 写发展句应注意:叙述详实,长短适中,脉络分明。如: What causes such problems?First,many students spend too much time in front of computer or TV sets.Second ,students have to prepare themselves for examinations. 结论句(conclusion) 结论句标志着段落的结束,应概括、简练和精辟。如: It is a tradition for most people in China to entertain their guests with more than enough food,believing that they have not satisfied their guests if there is no food left on the table,which they think is a good way to show their .They think they will be looked down upon if they make a doggie bag of the leftovers.As a result,restaurant trashcans are often found full of leftover foods,with full plates untounched. 2.好文章的构成 一篇好的英语作文应包含三部分:起始段(开始)、正文(中间)、结尾。 起始段 开头段一般来说做到开门见山,使读者了解文章要谈什么,最好能立刻引起读者的兴趣。开头段要具有概括性又要切中 主题。 1)说明时间发生的时间、地点、原因或背景 I’m writing to tell you about a shocking incident that happened in Beijing Zoo in February. 2)直接点明主题 I don’t remember how many examinations I have taken since I began my school.To tell you the truth,I don ’t like examinations at all.Idare say that,in fact,no student likes examinations. 3)提出一个问题 Why do we go to university?Different people have different opinions. 4)引用名言 As the saying goes: “Time is money.”Yes,it’s indeed the case.Nevertheless,in my opinion,time is more valuable than money.The reason is that when money is spent,we can earn it back.However,when time is gone,it will never come back. 5)下定义 A pet is an animal kept by a person as a companion.Recently,more and more people,old ones,in particular ,like to enjoy the company of tame animals.They treat these animals as good friends or even as members of the family. 6)提供数据 We have our own computer club in our school.It was set up in 2000,and now it has more than 30 members.All the members there are students and everything is done by themselves. 7)举出一个事例或现象 Over the past two years,China has introuduced a large number of foreign movies.However,this neither has brought us high entertaining,nor helped our national movie industry flourish. 中间段 文章中间部分的任务是用具体的事实、数据、细节来进一步解释作者在中心思想句中表明过的观点、态度或心得体会,它 们是具体的、详细的。一定要注意说明要具体充分,以确保内容充实,切忌泛泛而谈或点到为止。 结尾段 结尾段有概括全文内容,进一步强调或肯定文章的中心思想,升华主题的作用。 1)照应开头 Everyone enjoys beautiful things.And seeing sunrise may be one of the most unusual experiences in our life. 2)复述中心 Love is giving and love is paying attention to others.Thanks to my classmates,I will do my best to give all my love to others. 3)自然结尾 Finally we ate the food.It was so delicious that many people were attracted around us,we all enjoyed ourselves. 4)总结式 Such great changes had happened in our village,and our journey was well worth while.In a word,television is very common,but it is really helpful.It does us much good.It is really a good friend of mankind. 5)引用式 Above all,diligent is the mother of success.We must make the best of every hour and be the master of time ,just as Chairman Mao said, “Seize the day,seize the hour.” 6)哲理式 From that I know one thing.It’s important to take the first step in doing anything.The first step may decide on your future life. 三、应试五原则 原则一:紧扣题旨,审题到位 审题时要弄清体裁,确定人称,确定动词的时态。 原则二:列全要点词汇,拓展成句 将文章中需要用到的要点词汇正确列举出来,注意习惯表达,避免重复使用相同词汇或短语,灵活运用各种时态。 原则三:连句成篇,注意逻辑顺序 原则四:句式变化,提高文章档次 原则五:认真检查,卷面保持整洁 1.查内容,看内容是否有误解之处,要点是否有遗漏 2.查格式,看是否符合题目要求,格式是否正确 3.查语法,看有无语法错误,是否符合英文表达习惯 4.查书写,看拼写大小写,标点是否有误 5.查词数,看是否符合题目要求的篇幅



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